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Outdated Planning Laws Cause Mobile Coverage Problems

With so many advances taking place in the world of business telecommunication technology, it is a shame that outdated and archaic planning laws are stopping UK companies from reaping all of the benefits. This is according to Vodafone UK’s head of networks, Petek Ergul. In such a short space of time, we have seen developments in cloud technology, mobile communication, broadband, connectivity and data security. Ms Ergul’s company has also been at the forefront of UC (Unified Communications) with the development of its Vodafone One Net system.

However, Ms Ergul claims that outdated planning laws are holding back mobile operators in improving mobile coverage for not only UK businesses but also consumers in general. Part of the problem, she said, was the “mindset”, which needs to be changed for real growth to take place. In a statement, she said: “That’s why we are working with the government and Ofcom to try and modernise out-of-date property and planning laws which delay our ability to roll out our network, as well as encouraging government to provide better access to public sector land and buildings to place mobile infrastructure on them.

“Masts are a real problem in the industry right now. Now that summer is here and the trees have grown and have their leaves again, it causes real issues in some parts of the network because the masts aren’t high enough, and they’re being blocked out by the trees.”

One of the big problems with development is mobile masts, which a lot of the time are not tall enough to give a good signal; however, the government has just brought out some “outline proposals” to make the minefield of planning rules less complicated. This should mean taller masts and faster systems for UK businesses and home users.

With Vodafone’s eye focused on 4G, the company intends to keep monitoring developments that hinder the growth and the delivery of reliable, fast digital systems.