Onecom Blog Archive

International Women’s Day

Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender-equal world. We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, raise awareness against bias, broaden perceptions, and take action for equality. Our individual choices, conversations, behaviours and mindsets can all have an impact on society overall. We all have the power to make change happen.

Gender bias, whether deliberate or unconscious, is holding women back in the workplace around the world, making it harder for women to get hired and promoted. At Onecom we are keen to build on our already diverse workforce and foster a culture where everyone can perform to the best of their ability.

We are proud that women account for 55% of our managers outside of our Executive and Senior management teams, and overall this figure is 42%. We frequently review our career development offerings, and 2020 has seen the exciting introduction of our mentoring scheme, designed to provide career support and inspiration to our employees. With our first cohort well underway, we’re pleased that 50% of the mentees are women, and we look forward to gaining feedback on how they feel that this scheme has supported them to thrive in the workplace, both professionally and personally.

Parysa Hosseini-Sech, Head of Human Resources at Onecom, says: “Equality is such an important issue. I’m proud to work for a company that is focussed on diversity in the workplace and addressing the issues that can hold women back. We continuously challenge ourselves on what more we can do to support underrepresented groups. It’s not a quick fix, but it’s important to tackle what might feel like uncomfortable subjects today, to build an environment where everyone can succeed in the future.”

Overcoming gender bias at work is still a huge challenge globally and is not just a women’s issue but a wider business issue; essential for both thriving economies and communities. Progressive employers understand why women’s equality in the workplace is key and will break down barriers for women to move into leadership roles.

An equal world is an enabled world. We must, therefore, celebrate women’s achievements, increasing visibility and calling out inequality when we see it.

Let’s all strive for #EachForEqual

* Source: