Onecom Blog Archive

Here to support our customers

It’s been a challenging few weeks as we’ve seen the effects of Coronavirus take hold, and there isn’t anyone that hasn’t felt the impact as we all go into ‘lockdown’. Few at Onecom would have been able to imagine how we would be able to adapt to such change – but one good thing to come out of this crisis is to see how the whole company has come together to ensure that almost everyone in the business can work from home, with many people working long hours to help that happen (thank you!).

Safety of our employees has been paramount, and we have ensured that we continue to keep the lines of communication fully open. Our CEO Ben Dowd has been live-streaming to the entire business at least twice a week to keep everyone up to speed as the situation changes, and allowing employees to ask questions. It has really helped put people minds at rest and ensure that everyone feels supported and valued. Onecom has always said that its people are at the heart of everything it does – but its times like this that really put these statements to the test!

As we have managed to ensure that our employees can effectively work remotely, we are therefore geared up to be able to help our customers where needed and continue to provide our expertise.

We’re working closely with our partners and suppliers to continue to maintain service levels as much as possible. We’re still taking and fulfilling orders, and we will do the very best we can to meet the needs of our customers over the coming weeks. If you need anything from us, from services to installing lines – or to simply get advice, please get in touch. The telecommunications industry is key to keeping people connected now more than ever. We are ready to help wherever we can.